Mythical Networks SRP
Bronze VIP [Tier 1]
10 USD
- Permanent
Bronze Tier Includes:
2,500 Credits
Astromech Droid [Job]
Janitor [Job]
Pit Droid [Job]
Discord VIP Tag & Channel
To get whitelists please request staff with @ in-game.
Silver VIP [Tier 2]
20 USD
- Permanent
Silver Tier Includes:
5,000 Credits
Casino Employee [Job]
City Guard [Job]
Local Protestor [Job]
Massif [Job]
Discord VIP Tag & Channel
To get whitelists please request staff with @ in-game.
Previous VIP jobs are applied.
Gold VIP [Tier 3]
30 USD
- Permanent
Gold Tier Includes:
7,500 Credits
Republic Wookie Warrior [Job]
GAR War Photographer [Job]
Discord VIP Tag & Channel
To get whitelists please request staff with @ in-game.
Previous VIP jobs are applied.
Platnium VIP [Tier 4]
40 USD
- Permanent
Platnium Tier Includes:
10,000 Credits
Antarian Captain [Job]
Antarian Ranger [Job]
Republic Wookie Captain [Job]
Discord VIP Tag & Channel
To get whitelists please request staff with @ in-game.
Previous VIP jobs are applied.
Diamond VIP [Tier 5]
50 USD
- Permanent
Diamond Tier Includes:
12,500 Credits
Bounty Hunter [Job]
Vardos Gang [ Job]
Discord VIP Tag & Channel
To get whitelists please request staff with @ in-game.
Previous VIP jobs are applied.
Custom Job
Custom amount
- Permanent
Model Rules
Max File Size 25 MB. Special models must have proper certifications. For example, ARC models should not be used for troopers not trained for ARC.
Must be Republic allied, cant be an enemy to the Republic based class. No Clankers Allowed.
Must be attached to a battalion that already exists on the server.
Must follow some form of lore (Star Wars Related). Custom lore is only allowed if approved by DVL and Battalion Commander.
Models should have a similar color scheme as the rest of their battalion. For example, a maroon colored trooper would not fit in with the 501st.
Loadout Cost
1 Primary weapon. | Maximum 5 | $15 Per.
1 Secondary weapon (Sidearm Equivelance). | Maximum 3 | $10 Per.
1 Specialty loadout with proper certifications. | Maximum 3 | $25 Per.
All must be purchased before requesting.
Equipment Rules
By default you'll have 1 of each (Primary,Secondary,Speciality)
Must be certified to have.
ARC Loadout = Must be ARC
RC Loadout = Must be RC
Must make sense regarding your job / priority.
Health/Armor Rules
Health: Clone: 200 HP | ARC: 400 HP | Jedi: 1400 HP
Armor: Clone: 50 Armor | ARC: 150 Armor | Jedi: 50 Armor
Put this at the start of every CC ticket
To get started, here is what we need you to provide. If you have questions about CC regulations please ask.
Workshop Link:
Job Name:
Job Affiliation:
Model path:
Server Description:
Make a support ticket @